
His name is Marv.

Okay, we had dinner and caramel apples at Home Evening, and I feel like I'm going to burst.
BUT it's been a rather lovely day/week. Sooo prepare yourself. :)
Things I loved about this week:
-Hiccups that are so loud that they make you laugh
-New (to me) music! Like:
Gotye - Eyes Wide Open (SO MUCH LOVE)
The Avett Brothers - I and Love and You (Thank you, Mumford & Sons Pandora station)
-Spotify! I was skeptical but it has won me over
-Haunted Village at This is the Place Heritage Part
-Scary things, when experienced with lovely friends!
-Realizing what people mean when they say that someone smells "intoxicating"
-Beautiful sunsets! There were so many this week
-Bean bags!
-Scary movies, whether they're really scary or not
-The good type of that butterflies-in-your-stomach feeling
-Being able to laugh at myself
-My awesome roommate, Megan. Look, we're twinners!
-Objects that bring nostalgia
-Simple but lovely things, like leaves
-Finding a way to make ear buds stay in my weirdly shaped ears!
-Figuring out how to be a patient person. Sometimes it works.
-The people of my lovely "residence hall" (because dorm apparently has negative connotations)
-Not falling asleep in US Institutions
-Remembering that an assignment is due Wednesday, not today, after having a panic attack
-Psych. Oh my goodness, Psych. Netflix put Season 5 up, and the sixth season just started. I've got a little catching up to do, but it's so lovely to watch again! :)
-The fact that there are even lipsyncs in college... Beauty.
-Snuggling up in a blanket to get warm!
-Feeling super duper attractive
-Comfortable clothing
-Elmer, my huge-mongous pink bunny
-That crazy tall kid there. Even though he makes me mad and steals Elmer.
-Not having plungers on my face!
-The fact that the plunger that was on my face was new. *phew*
-Getting highly anticipated texts/any form of contact
-Remembering that I work tomorrow, and it's for Odyssey Dance Theatre's Thriller, and everyone else has to pay $5 to get in, but I get paid to watch it. :)
-Only one more week until the new Coldplay album is out!
-The awkwardness that is this picture. Note that he has dyed his facial hair pink, and that he is on my bed. Weeeeeeeeeirdo.
-Pretty things!
-Cute little pictures that my sisters draw/make for me
-Not having glitter on my fingers
-Talking to my momma about life
-Realizing that my birthday is in just over two weeks!
-It's not even midnight yet, and I'm finished posting! :)

I shall be better at posting this week. :)


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